I love Free Software!


Funny Quotes to Think

When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at You blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, for free"

-Torvalds, Linus(1995-03-08)-

Friday, October 9, 2009

Using Perl for Managing LDAP

Perl script for adding LDAP attributes

For accessing LDAP database from perl scripts install Net::LDAP perl module.
# aptitude install libnet-ldap-perl 
Script will search for DN which have mail attribute and objectClass is  
Script only return the group which does not have attribute company 
Script will add attribute company and value blablabla to those DN returned by
search filter  
# This script is used for adding new attribute and values 
use Net::LDAP;
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new("localhost");
$ldap->bind("cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com", password=>"secret");
$mesg = $ldap->search(filter=>"(&(mail=*)(&(objectclass=posixGroup)\
@entries = $mesg->entries;
foreach $entry (@entries){
       print "DN: " . $entry->dn(). "\n";
       $mesg = $ldap->modify ($entry->dn(), \
               add => {"company" => "blablabla"});

Delete LDAP attribute using Perl scripts

If you want to delete any attribute. You can use this in ldapmodify section  

# $mesg = $ldap->modify ($entry->dn(), delete => { company => [] });

How to Add multiple values for an attributes

We require two files in which one file contains list of group DN (Here referred as group_list) and another contains list of employees name that to be added to employee (referred as employees.txt in this script)
Script will set company value to blablabla and add each employees to employee Create a script add_employee.pl with below content 


use Net::LDAP;

$ldap = Net::LDAP->new("localhost");
$ldap->bind("cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com", password=>"secret");
while(<>) {
      chomp $_;
      $dn = $_;
      print "DN: $_.\n";
      $mesg = $ldap->modify ($dn, add => {"company" => "blablabla"});
      open (MYFILE, 'employees.txt');
      while () {
                        print "$_\n";
                        $mesg = $ldap->modify($dn, add => { "employee" => "$_"} );
close (MYFILE);
Run script group_policy.pl using below command

#  cat group_list| ./add_employee.pl

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ssh-copy-id not accepting port other than default

When I was copying my ssh id to my client machines using ssh-copy-id, I am unable to copy to hosts where ssh-server running on different port.
After a long search i found there is a bug already raised in Debian bug report #431731.

Cheers for debian :)
using patches provided in the bug report I patched my ssh-copy-id and I was able to fix my issue

I would like to share the patched ssh-copy-id file. To avoid the conflicts I have named the script as ssh-copy-id-new.

Download the script from below mentioned site.

Copy the script to /usr/local/bin directory 
# cp ssh-copy-id-new  /usr/local/bin

Change script permission to be executable 
# chmod +x ssh-copy-id-new

Now run the ssh-copy-id-new with port number
# ssh-copy-id-new -p 28 -i ~/ssh-id user@remote_server

Dowload link ssh-copy-id-new

QOTD plugin in Squirrelmail

Squirrelmail qotd plugin is not showing any quotes nowadays. Please find the fix explained below.

How qotd plugin works ?
QOTD plugin retrieves random quotes from qotd.org site. Then it will be formatted using explode and str_replace functions.
for more about these functions can be found here.

What happened to qotd plugins now?

qotd.org site has modified the random quotes output. Due to this plugin is unable to find the pattern and the result will be a blank text.

How to fix this ?

After digging in to the code, I was able to fix this issue with small changes. 

Go to plugins directory (/usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/qotd_login)
Edit functions.php using favorite editor
Under parse quote out of web page
replace `font size="-1"` with `strong`

This will fix your problem, cheers !!