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Funny Quotes to Think

When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at You blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, for free"

-Torvalds, Linus(1995-03-08)-

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Shell script to export roundcube address book to csv

Below shell script will convert roundcube address book to csv. I am using postgresql for roundcube database. ouput csv file can found in /tmp folder

# Roundcube Address book must be stored in PostgreSQL database.
# This script is created by Praveen C. please feel free to contact me on praveen.velu84@yahoo.com-
# for any query. You can modify this script to suit your requirement

# Enter roundcube user_name. Script will query this user in DB and export Address book
# Export your roundcube database passwor. This password will be used for `psql` command
# This will help us to avoid psql prompt for password
export PGPASSWORD=password

#  Find the `user_id` of the user
echo "COPY(SELECT user_id from users where username='$USER') \
                   TO STDOUT" | psql -h localhost -U roundcube  \
                   -o /tmp/rc_query_id roundcube

# Read user_id stored in file rc_query_id file and store to variable _USER_ID
user_list=`cat /tmp/rc_query_id`
for id in $user_list; do

# Query user contacts in and sent output to csv.
echo "COPY (SELECT name,email,firstname,surname from contacts where user_id=$_USER_ID) \
                     TO STDOUT with CSV HEADER" | psql -h localhost -U roundcube \
                     -o /tmp/$USER.csv roundcube


  1. Hi,

    I need this, can you have this for MySQL?
    Thanks in advance!

  2. Hi Eybisidee,

    please find below script for Mysql databases....


    # This script used for Mysql database.
    # This script is created by Praveen C. please feel free to contact me on praveen.velu84@yahoo.com-
    # for any query. You can modify this script to suit your requirement

    # Enter roundcube user_name. Script will query this user in DB and export Address book
    dbPassword="your password"

    userIdQuery="SELECT user_id from users where username='$USER'"

    # Find the `user_id` of the user
    mysql --skip-column-names --user=$dbUser -p$dbPassword roundcube --host=localhost -e "$userIdQuery" > $idOutputFile

    # Read user_id stored in file rc_query_id file and store to variable _USER_ID
    user_list=`cat /tmp/rc_query_id`
    for id in $user_list; do

    # Query user contacts in and sent output to csv.
    userContactsQuery="SELECT name,email,firstname,surname from contacts where user_id=$_USER_ID"
    mysql --user=$dbUser -p$dbPassword roundcube --host=localhost -e "$userContactsQuery" > $csvOutputFile

    # By default mysql query output is tab seperated. use sed to replace TAB with semicolon
    sed -i 's/\t/;/g' $csvOutputFile
