I love Free Software!


Funny Quotes to Think

When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at You blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, for free"

-Torvalds, Linus(1995-03-08)-

Monday, November 23, 2009

Enable SpellChecker in Request Tracker FCK editor

SpellerPages can configure for enabling spell checker in FCK editor. Do the following steps for enable SpellerPages in FCKEditor
covert spellchecker.pl file to unix compatible then copy the file to Apache CGI directory

# dos2unix spellchecker.pl
# cp spellchecker.pl /usr/lib/cgi-bin/

Configure fckconfig.js file to use SpellerPages as spell checker in FCK Editor. make below changes in fckconfig.js

FCKConfig.SpellChecker                  = 'SpellerPages';
FCKConfig.SpellerPagesServerScript = '/cgi-bin/spellchecker.pl' ;       // Available extension: .php .cfm .pl
FCKConfig.FirefoxSpellChecker   = true ;
Update spellchecker.pl as below 

my $spellercss = '/rt/NoAuth/RichText/FCKeditor/editor/dialog/fck_spellerpages/spellerpages/spellerStyle.css'; 
my $wordWindowSrc = '/rt/NoAuth/RichText/FCKeditor/editor/dialog/fck_spellerpages/spellerpages/wordWindow.js';
my $aspell_cmd = '/usr/bin/aspell';
This will enable Spell Checking option in FCK editor