I love Free Software!


Funny Quotes to Think

When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at You blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, for free"

-Torvalds, Linus(1995-03-08)-

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mount samba share on Linux

This is the way to mount samba share in your linux machine
  • Install smbfs package
# aptitude install smbfs

  • Create a mount point to mount your samba share

# mkdir /mnt/smbshare
  • mount samba share using mount command
# mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass //smbserver/share /mnt/smbshare

Here user is the samba user who have access to the share. pass is the password for user. smbserver is machine name where samba is configured. share is the shared directory in samba server.

  • Adding samba mount to fstab

We can add mount to fstab, so that system will mount samba share every time system reboot
similar fstab entry is like this

//smbserver/share  /mnt/smbshare  smbfs  defaults,user,noauto,username=user,password=pass  0  0